Dec 6, 2010

Meet Shaggylocs

He is one of the most popular male Youtubers with a channel about hair. Yes, this loctician, Shaggylocs,  has a channel about his locs. Who says men don't need to maintain good locs too, right? Check out my quick interview with Shaggylocs below.

KiK: Hey ShaggyLocs. Why did you decide to loc your hair and why did you decide to become a loctician?

ShaggyLocs: I always loved seeing people with locs growing up, I just felt a connection to them as soon I first laid my eyes on them. Everyone with heathy looking locs, they are the ones I have seen and feel in love. Then I knew that I had to learn the art of locking and be the best that I can be.

KiK: That's a great reason. So, I know everyone wants to know, especially with you being a man and a loctician – What is your hair regimen?

ShaggyLocs: I wash my locs each and every week and oil them, on the scalp one of the oils I use is Wild Hair Growth Oil, and my daily oil mist. I also finger comb my locs just about all day. Also I cover my locs every night when I sleep. These are just some of the things I do.

KiK: Aright, so what do you love and hate most about your natural hair?

ShaggyLocs: I love the fact that i have them, because having them I find you really learn to have patience. The only thing I don't like is when they get into my eyes and or block my sight.

KiK: What should we expect from you and your hair in the future? Will you ever chop the locs off?

ShaggyLocs: You can expect to finally see me let my hair grow to about the middle of my back. I won't cut the locs off, however I will trim the ends to even them off.

KiK: What advice would you give to men who are considering locking their hair?

ShaggyLocs: Go for it! It will be one of the best choices you ever make. But find a good loctician and please keep your locs covered at bedtime, [wash your locs weekly] keep them clean and oiled and don't let lint take over your locs it's the health choice.

KiK: Where can you be found online?

ShaggyLocs: , Face book, , ... just to name a few, and my e-mail address is

KiK: How can you be contacted for professional inquiries?

ShaggyLocs: The best way to contact me is by calling me [ 1 - 407 - 967 - 8596 ] and leaving a detailed and clear message along with your contact info, thank U!

KiK: Anything (at all) else you'd love to say?

ShaggyLocs: Yes my contact info and that everyone checks out page. It's a must see, thank you!

KiK:  Hahaha. Thanks Shaggylocs. All the best to you in your future ventures.

Check out Shaggyloc's Youtube video. Shaggy,  created a WAVE on Youtube of videos responding, shaking their locs proudly for the world to see. Check out a couple of videos below.

1 comment:

  1. {{✡Shaggy✡קדש✡Locks✡ = 5✡✡☆✡✡ }} ... Thank You, Keep It Kinky!!!


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