May 1, 2013

How to Handle Natural Hair Opposition

They are calling you names. Some people snicker while others just laugh and tell you it's ugly. Family members say that it's just a phase and you'll soon relax your hair again.  It is not always easy to transition to natural hair without the community support. Family and friends may not agree with your hairstyle of choice. I have shared in the sadness of non-appreciation for my natural beauty and have tips for keeping your hair kinky in the face of opposition.

Transitioning from relaxed hair to natural hair (Source)

Think you're alone in the face of opposition? First, check out the video below where YouTube's well-loved Jamaican Makeup Artist talks about a recent challenge she faced with her hairstyle and how she is still not fully confident wearing some hairstyles. She is well known for doing beautiful full-faced makeup and wearing a myriad of straight wigs.

Here are three things that I consistently did to ensure that my mind was in a space where nobody's negative comments about my natural hair or choice of hairstyle can make me second guess myself or feel bad about my hairstyling choices.

Let it be Done
My hair was always well-done.  If I couldn't do it, I got it done by a professional. The thing is, I never felt unkempt and that made me feel well put together and confident. People responded to my confidence positively. I found that asking people what they think is never good unless I'm only living to please them. I'm living to please me so I do or get my hair done in a style that I love and think is appropriate for my lifestyle and move on - feeling confident and beautiful in the process.

Dress to Impress Yourself
No slouchy sweat pants for me. I decided to show my best natural self to the world. This included the way I wore my clothing. Feeling like I'm dressed to impress (myself) made me feel beautiful. Who cares if Shanna-kay thinks I look good with straight hair and mini skirts? I'm going to wear my natural kinky hair and my long flowing maxi dresses because they make me feel beautiful. Dress everyday to impress yourself and you will learn to be confident in your choices about your overall physical appearance.

Be Inspired
This one really kept me going. Watching videos and following blogs of people with hair like mine really helped to confirm to me that natural hair was indeed beautiful. It's actually at the point now where straight hair looks a little weird to me. LOL. Seeing other beautiful naturals gave me a new standard of beauty to uphold. I fed my mind with natural beauties and now I can effortlessly see the beauty in my natural hair no matter what anyone else thinks.


  1. I had to comment on this. I know exactly how Lyric felt. When I went to Jamaica last summer and I visited my old kindergarten teacher and the comments she made on my hair...I knew that what she said did not matter. And it was funny as this was with my long natural hair. Now that I have big chopped again I know there would be more comments, laughs and taunts. But I don't care! I told a guy friend this - I did not cut my hair off to look pretty. If I wanted to look pretty then I would have bought a weave. I did this for me! Whether its our hair or whatever, there will always be nay sayers. Always. we just have to remember we are doing this for us and not for them!

    1. But that's the whole problem right there. You said if you wanted to look pretty you would wear a weave. Why can't natural hair be viewed as "pretty" too? Its the hair that God gave you. You should never view it as not being anything but beautiful.

    2. Well, the young lady in the video did mention that she is still getting used to her hair. We are all at different points in our levels of self-acceptance.


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