Jun 6, 2013

Cheerios Stands by Ad with Mixed-race Family

Are you a Cheerios fan? Well, if you are a supporter of interracial marriage, you may love the brand even more after seeing this television advertisement promoting their Heart Healthy campaign.

The ad has almost 3 million views on YouTube with almost 36,000 likes and almost 2,000 dislikes. Not surprisingly, a lot of people think that this ad is inappropriate and CHeerios has disabled comments on the video on YouTube. Nevertheless, interracial marriages are on the rise and if latino, white, asian, black and other races can be shown on television, I see no reason for interracial relationships not to be represented. After all, don't different types of families and races eat cereal?

According to Yahoo, Vice president of marketing for Cheerios, Camille Gibson,  said, "We felt like we were reflecting an American family." Cheerios is representing families all over the world in this ad, not just America. The days of the Brady Bunch majority and superiority are past us. I hope that the brand continues to be fearless in representing their consumers.

Advertisements should reflect what their customers look like. I think the ad is cute. What do you think?


  1. I love this commercial. Paused and re-winded it so that my hubby could see.


  2. Super cute! Loved when the dad woke up covered in Cheerios.

  3. We are not a bi-racial couple, but I could almost hear my daughter asking me the same question and see her pour cereal all over her dad. It's the same type of conversation that goes on in millions of households all over the country. I thought it was very sweet.

    1. Yes, we are all humans and our children are children regardless of their skin colour. Thanks for reading and commenting. XX


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