Feb 20, 2009

Choosing and Using a Denman Brush

Click on the image below to watch the Youtube video about how to choose and use a Denman Brush.


  1. I've found that the D3 causes split ends. But I haven't tried the D4. Have you used it? How is it?

  2. Hi Monet.


    Check out this youtube video to learn a little more about the Denman brushes. If you really think it's causing split ends (which I doubt) you should stop using it. Do you trim regularly?

  3. i have the D3 but I think I would like the D41 much better..


  4. I use to love my D4 but since I started my challenge I rarely use it and olive oil and my fingers detangle just as well (with less hair in my hands)

  5. I was trimming every 4 months or so. I just did a fairly large trim and am using the D3 sparingly.
    I think I will take your video's advice and try the D41, thanks.

  6. I wish you would have made this video last year before I threw my
    D3 away lol, oh well I'll definitely be trying the D41. Thanks for the info.

  7. LoL. Hey Jai. Yeah, that's a pity. I really hope the D41 works for you though.


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