Mar 2, 2009

Keep Hair Kinky with Jenteel.

If you're a natural hair addict like me, you've probably seen her around the natural hair scene. She's an inspiration to many, so KiK decided to ask her a series of questions that she was nice enough to take time out to answer. I'm happy she did. She has great advice to give.

What is your best advice for people who are trying to stay natural?

Jenteel: Keep your haircare simple! After years of being natural, my regimen is the simplest it’s ever been. The night before I wash I do a ayurvedic oil treatment with amla and shikaikai oils, then set my hair in braids. The next day I cowash (conditioner wash) in the braids, deep condition, moisturize, braid it in four braids for a braidout or wear it curly. It’s quick, simple and easy. I do a deep conditioning with every wash and protein treatments when necessary. I just started henna-ing, which I love so I may do that in lieu of the protein. I make my own products now because I know what ingredients benefit me the most without the irritating or dangerous fillers.

It’s fun to try out new products, but if you find something that works, stick with it unless it stops working. Next, as Oprah says, “run your own race”! Meaning, don’t worry about “such and such” who went natural around the same time as you. Her hair may be longer, shorter, thicker, etc., it doesn’t matter. Concentrate on your successes and your goals. Find at least one thing about your hair that you absolutely love (hopefully more than one :) ) This is so that whenever you get frustrated you can always relish in that. Also, establish a signature style that makes you feel beautiful and confident. Have fun with you hair! Don’t get stuck in a rut! Above all else, remember all the wonderful reasons why you went natural!

© 2009 jenteel


  1. those are some great tips

  2. I love Jenteel's hair. She has definitely made color her signature!

  3. Jenteel has great hair and an even better regimen. I'm taking her words to heart!


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