Nov 16, 2010

My Adult Acne Journey (Raw Aspirations): Week 1

That picture was before the dreaded adult (cystic) acne vulgaris. The many dermatologist prescriptions have not been able to help and my huge bumps laughed in the face of products like Proactiv and other over-the-counter products. For one reason or another, the prescriptions and over-the-counter products don't work or I am not able to take particular ingredients for health reasons.

I had my first real acne breakout at 18 and it's gotten progressively worse. Now, at 30, my skin is the worse it's ever been, but maybe I could have prevented it. I previously embarked on a natural regimen that gave the results below in just 3 weeks. Sadly, I fell off the clear skin wagon as soon as my skin started to clear up.

Having been the only regimen that gave such fast results, I'm getting back on the wagon. It falls right in line with my "raw aspirations" and I'm now even more determined to have a healthier diet. 

My New Regimen:

Pescatarian (vegetarian who eats fish) or Raw/High Fiber diet, 8 glasses of water, absolutely no poultry but occasional fried foods, no soda, limited sugar. I can already say that the soda is going to be the hardest part for me. I'm having my last planned chicken meal today, although I may indulge once a month or at events where only meat is available.

Acidophilous, Fish Oil, Multivitamin, Zinc, Vitamin B complex, garlic tabs. I will take the Acidophilus and Multivitamin daily and everything else every other day.

Topical Treatment
Tea Tree oil on cysts twice daily, apple cider vinegar as astringent, steam with lavender oil to kill germs, a splash of cold H2O, only when no broken skin is in sight, and washing makeup brushes daily.

See my skin before? I may not be able to go back to such beautiful skin but I'm hoping this regimen will show some significant improvement. Check back regularly for updates. I'll post as I encounter different experiences.

See my Day 1 Pic below.

My Acne Journey may also be found at


  1. hey, there! i know exactly how u acne was just like yours...the docs in the dermatology office knew me by first name...cuz i was there every month. ur skin has cleared up very signficantly since implementing ur new regimen. i know how u feel about skin cuz having clear skin is important to us in the west indies. the one thing that i saw the most results the quickest is proative. i have been using it for about 5 years. it has never failed me. also, after the acne is gone, u will be left with significant hyperpigmentation which is just as bad as the acne. proactive and arbonne both have products to remedy this. since using this regimen people are shocked with how clear my face and that combined with my natural hair people think i am 10 years younger (i am 28). good luck and keep us posted

  2. Hyperpigmentation. I already have a lot of it and it sucks. I'd never say it's as bad as acne though. My friend sells Arbonne products. I hope to try them out one day soon. I hope I can shock people with my clear skin like you do one day. lol. I will definitely keep you all posted and please don't hesitate to write and offer your suggestions.

  3. Hi All! If you're interested in trying Arbonne's vegan and botanically based products, please let me know. Check out our RE9 and Clear Advantage lines on my Web site at

    As someone with acne prone skin that easily scars and blemishes, Arbonne has been a life-saver to me. I loved the products so much I decided to get into the business and can't see myself using any other commercial products.

  4. Hi I am new here and felt compelled to perhaps give you some advice on skin care. I used to suffer from eczema since a young girl but after using natural oils on my skin it has suddenly vanished and I couldn't be happier. I use natural cold-pressed castor oil, grapeseed oil and neroli oil. You can find them at the healthfood store or online at I write about natural skincare on my blog I too have suffered from adult acne and scarring but natural skincare products have cleared it up and the neroli and castor oil pulls toxins from your skin. Mine looks 1000% better now ;0)I also use Multani Mati mixed with Rose Water as a mask to detoxify my skin weekly, betonite clay is also good for this. ;0)

    Hope this helps, much Love

    Lipstick Diva

  5. Thanks Lipstick Diva. I actually tried Bentonite Clay! It really does a great deep clean. I'm even wondering if it is what dragged the bacteria to the surface causing my latest acne flare. I plan to use it on my face every Saturday for a deep clean weekly facial. I have a few other things I want to try before giving your stuff a go. Thanks very much for your suggestions. Like your blog by the way. I hope you come, visit and comment regularly.

  6. Hi, I know how you feel and I tell you about the only thing that has worked for me:

    - use mineral make up only (one with no bismuth) and if it's not covering mix it with mineral concealer, it works

    - stop using any moisturizer, oil, butter. I don't use creams anymore and believe me it was the cause of everything. you skin will get used to it. aloe vera gel, as long as it has no crap it it, can be soothing.

    - wash your face with something natural that has no soap and no sulfates (something cocobetain based)

    - for a month and until you see a progress, keep raw organic local honey for 15 minutes on your face every single night. it is very important that it is raw. you will see your skin starting to purge and heal.

    keep it up!


  7. sorry I forgot this:

    my moisturizer now is spring water (sometimes I make a green tea with it or I diluite some honey, you can also use rose water or lavender hydrosol) with a little vegetable glycerin in it. non comedogenic and I love it.


  8. please please please give Burt's Bees Tomato soap & toner a try. I am using it and it is really making a difference in my skin in just 2 weeks. Also it only cost $13.33 + S&H here > . Please give it a try! I know the frustrations with having acne and I really think this will help heal your skin like its doing mine.


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