Dec 20, 2010

How to Deal with a Matted Mess

Is your hair tangled after wearing the fabulous twist out you rocked all week? Difficulty detangling knotted hair is probably one of the biggest deterrents for many women who are considering going natural. It is also a problem that can be conquered by knowing what options or techniques are available to you – trying them all – then sticking to what works. Here are a few suggestions.

I'm not trying to insult anyone here, but uhm... some of those over the counter detangling sprays actually work. I'm always amazed at how many people haven't thought to try the available over the counter solutions even though they are having detangling difficulties. Go out and purchase a cheapie from your beauty supply store. Like everything, not all of them work well for everyone but they do work for some people. You'll only know if it works if you try it.

Always start detangling with the widest comb you have available. Detangling is best done when hair is wet and soaked in a slippery conditioner.

The detangling spray didn't work?

That's OK. You can probably make your own  detangler with things you have right there ate home.

Add 1/3-14 cup of some cheap moisturizing conditioner like main n' Tail Conditioner, 1/3 - 1/4 cup olive oil and maybe 1/4 cup of that same bad detangling spray and mix in a glass bowl. Mix and apply to hair section by section, detangling with a large tooth comb as you go along. I find it always wise to use a glass bowl. If you have to reuse it, it's easy to tell if you have thoroughly cleaned it.

Haven't had time to remove the braids and now the roots are a matted mess?

Add olive oil and water to your braids using a spray bottle. Just put equal parts olive oil and water to a spray bottle and spray on hair. Always shake the mixture intermittently while spraying. Massage the mixture into the knotted sections and separate with fingers. Note – pure olive oil without water can also be used.

Let me know if you try any of these solutions and how they work for you.

Good luck detangling and Keep it Kinky!


  1. lol..thanks for the glass bowl tip! never thought of that...i just steal away my mom's plastic containers and keep them in my room...hopefully they don't end back up in the kitchen...sometimes they do :S...but it's nothing too much, use it for my egg and mayonaise conditioning. But yes...wanted to say with tangles, I've found that rubbing aloes on your hair, you know the real stuff, I don't blend it just peel scoop out and rub the slippery stuff by the chunk on my hair, until its well moistened then put on a cap for as long as i can 1 hour plus is good or even overnight...and viola! Tangles gone, any overnight deep conditioning works too!

  2. The aloe idea sounds very interesting. Thanks for that. I have a plant at home. May just try it one day.

  3. My Denman D3 brush is my favorite detangling tool. It looks scary, but it detangles with a breeze and doesn't hurt at all.


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