Dec 1, 2010

My Adult Acne Journey (Raw Aspirations): Week 3

I feel like a bear due for hibernation that can't seem to sleep long enough before someone or something wakes me it, demanding it's time and attention. The lethargy, however, is all due to my lack of a proper diet and exercise regimen. It's me, not my demanding lifestyle, that needs to change. I'm way too sluggish, a problem that improved while eating a healthy vegetarian/pescatarian diet. I need to add another nice healthy vegetarian meal to my menu this week.

Imagine deep meditation-style breathing. That's what I'm doing right now. The past week has been very challenging. I resorted to Popeyes' fried shrimp and fish under the guise of trying to maintain a pescatarian diet. (Click here to find out why I'm doing this.) It didn't work out.

On the up side, I have maintained the taking of supplements and adding the tea tree oil to my cycts. I now have 2 instead of about 5. I'm doing a dance in my chair. lol. Yes, I'm excited.

My skin has suffered major discolouration from hyper-pigmentation, however, and has pot marks (holes) that have developed too. I'm going to look back at Janelle's post for some natural ideas for helping with that problem.

I'm disappointed in myself but at least my skin looks and feels better. I have new pimples but not cysts. Problem - I can't seem to do everything I need to at once. This week therefore, I'm going to focus on exercise and diet. I'm keeping at it till I get it right. This natural living lifestyle is harder than I thought.


  1. I don't know if you've tried this but, rub some 100 percent, pure aloe vera juice on your face every night. My partner has really bad eczema and Colitis, and gets a lot of breakouts and cysts over teh face. We tried pure whole leaf aloe vera gel and it is really helping to clear up the cysts. better than anything we tried before. Just a thought ;)

  2. Hey Kiianah. Thanks for suggesting that. I have tried pure aloe. A doctor once said I had signs of eczema on my face. It cleared up that rash but didn't do anything else. I didn't do anything else but cool my inflamed skin. I can use it occasionally. Had forgotten about it. I have an aloe plant in my backyard too. lol.

  3. Have you ever heard of Bio-Oil. It doesn't cure acne but it will fade the discoloration completely. Its good for scars (old/new), cellulite and stretch marks. I'm not sure if its all natural but I do know it works great.

  4. Never heard of bio oil. Fading discolouration completely huh? You sound very convincing and honestly, that is very tempting. lol. I'm going to have to do some research girl. Sounds interesting.

  5. Have you tried doctor prescribed Accutane?, I hear its good. I have a product that I ordered online to help with acne skin marks, and skin discoloration, its called Meladerm (1.7floz) for hyperpigemntation including age spots, acne marks,old scars, uneven skin tone & melasma. It's also hydroquinone-free with no mineral oil and its in an arless dispenser. It's kinda expensive ($49.99) but a really good product and it does work, plus it has a good success rate and success stories on it to read. You can order this at

  6. Have you tried birth control pills? If you're not takign it, it might help a lot as well. They're actually good for a lot of things besides the mainstream prescription - anemia, lowering the risk of certain cancers, etc.

    Good luck!!! I would also ask your doc about Accutane as well. It works miracles for people who have resistant acne.


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