Jan 24, 2011

The Hairy Question

The Question: So, what you goin to do wid yu hair?

I have been stunned (countless times) by this question that I have been asked by black Jamaicans and Americans alike. Even when my hair is styled (and nicely, i think) I often get the same question. People, I will be wearing cornrows, and someone will still ask, the same, baffling question.

The Answer: What do you mean? Does it look like I haven't done anything with it? 

Honestly, the question nauseates me. I never got this question when I was locked. While talking to a Jamaican friend, she expressed her surprise after receiving the question many times too. We were both often asked whether we planned to loc our hair. Is loose natural hair somehow "naturally" unkempt. 

My Question: How would YOU answer the "hairy" question?

I'm really looking forward to hearing your answers. Please comment ladies... and gents.

See below the things I used to do with my hair while I was in college. 


  1. Possible answers:

    I was just getting ready to ask you the same thing!

    I'm going to love it, cherish it, and let it be free.

  2. I would Simply say, why is there something wrong with the way I wear it now.

  3. hahaha!! I got this question a few times -always on a weekend, but it was more like, 'So how will you wear your hair to work on Monday?'
    I just say, 'The way it is'. I have gotten the question while wearing two strand twists or a twist-and-chiney-bump-out that I have pulled back with a headband. I find that I am usually asked by more mature women

  4. I am tempted to say it is just a Jamaican thing, but after speaking with my non-Jamaican friends it seems to be universal. My Jamaican family keeps asking when am I going to perm my hair, to which I answer never. LOL.


  5. The answer to that question would be: "It is done.....you on the otherhand should explain to me what are your plans for your hair" This is an answer I have given to a relative of mine upon being asked that question, while her hair was broken, overprocessed and in desperate need of some TLC. I have grown to rehearse certain answers to all kinds of obnoxious questions that I'm asked about anything. That way I'm not caught off guard and I'm always armed.


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