Jan 17, 2011

Meet Courtney: The Think and Grow Chick

Age: 22
From: Washington, DC by way of Detroit, Michigan
Founder: Think & Grow Chick
Natural Since: 2003

What is Think & Grow Chick and what inspired you to you start it? Think & Grow Chick is an online brand and community that provides African-American women with information on goal achievement, particularly the goals of growing natural hair, starting a business, mastering personal finance, and overall living life intentionally.

You speak very openly on your site about wealth. What exactly are your life goals?:
It's funny that you ask about life goals because I just completed a "Life List" a few days ago. Basically, the list just encompassed everything I've ever wanted to do including run a successful business, have zero personal debt, teach others about personal finance and entrepreneurship, and spread my brand as far as it'll go. I plan to post about all the goals and how I came up with it soon, but anyone can view my life list in it's entirety at: bit.ly/CP-Life-List

You have one of the cutest natural hair videos on Youtube (see below). Tell us about your natural hair: Thank you! I literally did that video as a spur of the moment thing, so I'm always surprised my the response I've gotten from it.

Basically, I went natural at the tender age of 15 because my relaxer and bad hair practices had left my previously long hair at collarbone length. I'll never forget the day I went on a routine hair salon visit with my mom, and I brought a picture of Aaliyah (my idol at the time) to show to the stylist for how I wanted my hair. The stylist took one look at the picture and said, "Oh no sweetie. I can't do you hair like that because it's not long enough." When she said those words, I swear everything came to a screeching halt. Since childhood, my sister and I were complimented for our very long, thick hair and to hear that woman tell me my hair wasn't "long enough" for something seriously felt like a slap in the face!

It wasn't until I took a good look in the mirror did I realize that she was absolutely right. That day at the salon was my reality check. I finally saw my hair for the damaged mess it was, and I vowed to get it back to it's former glory.

When I went to the internet to search for "growing black hair long" over and over I kept running into women who had gone natural. That was crazy to me because it never dawned on me that you could be a grown woman and choose not to have a relaxer, but the more I researched, the more it sounded like a good idea. I told my mom I was going natural, and naturally, she laughed. She said "we'll see how long this last" and I got to work learning what I had to do to kiss my relaxer goodbye.

The more I learned about natural hair, the more I fell in love with the natural hair community and desired natural hair just to be myself as God made me, not necessarily to have long hair. In fact, when my transition was complete, I wore my hair at shoulder length and never cared to grow it longer. I was having too much fun exploring new styles and encouraging other women to go natural and love their hair as it was. It wasn't until last year that I decided to embark on that long hair challenge again. Even with natural hair gaining mainstream acceptance, there are still strong stereotypes about black women only being able to have short hair that I personally want to challenge. This time, my long hair will be as much for my own desired aesthetic as it will be a testament to other black women of the things you can achieve if you put your mind to it.

What is your favourite natural hairstyle?
Rod set twist-outs and braid outs are my favorite "out" styles, and buns and two strand twists are my favorite protective styles. I also like to revive an old rollerset with bantu knots for a big, '40s wavy look.

What do you love about your natural hair? 
I love natural hair because it's so unique, so versatile, full of personality, and it's just plane pretty! i mean natural hair is really, really beautiful. I just love the way it looks.

Why on earth are we destroying our natural hair when we are the only people in the world who can have hair like this?!?! If we don't rock the kinks, who else will??? Who else can? I think it's a disservice for a whole group of people to hate their defining features when, by definition, they are the only people who possess it. We owe it to the world to showcase our unique type of beauty for the simple fact that we are the only people who can.

What should we expect from Courtney next? Hmm, good question. I think it's safe to expect continued growth on the blog and I hope, the continued spreading of the Think & Grow Chick message. :)

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