May 14, 2011

"Did it on 'Em" is not Doing it for Me

One day, people will stop buying music that has racist undertones. One day people will not be ignorant about natural hair and see the beauty of nappy, kinky, coily hair.One day beautiful natural haired women will be accepted everywhere and people will feel free to wear their natural hair without being chastised.

Lovely readers, please let me know how you feel about the lyrics highlighted in the video. A lot of people say it's just entertainment and we shouldn't overthink it. What are your thoughts?



  1. You know, I'm waiting for the world to change too, but it's not gonna change as long as these offensive songs are being bought, the videos are being watched, the rappers are being rewarded for being dumb as hell, and we keep following them and just eating up every piece of crap that drops from their mouths. It will only stop when people stop rewarding "ignance". Yes, IGNANCE, It's not ignorance, as in you don't know better.. It's ignance! You know better, but you do and/or say dumb crap anyway- And teach your children that this is just the way "real niggas" behave.. Which I guess I can't disagree with that. That is how real "niggas" act, but you'd think we'd be aspiring to be more than that. Honestly, I'm not sure people even remember where "nigga" came from and that it was not a complement. You shouldn't be aspiring to be one, I'll say that much.

    But I have my own blog for rambling. LoL! Oh, and it's not YOU that I mean, I mean the people who are enabling this bad behavior.. :)

  2. Hahaha. Thanks for your insightful comment BlackAngel. "We" have a long way to go before there is true respect for freedom of choice and self-acceptance in the black community.


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