So it's New Year's Eve and you don't have a date, or a party to have a date for. Well, you're not alone. Many of our friends by now have married and stay home with the kids. Others are going out with their boyfriends and some are all partied out from their 20s and don't feel like going out. Point is, you're stuck at home alone on New Year's Eve and you feel hopeless, lonely and don't know what to do. Here are a few ideas for things you can do alone on New Years Eve.
Natural haired woman on a couch |
- Have the Ultimate Move Night – This blog post is being written by a hugemongous movie enthusiast. I love good movies and will watch them back to back when time permits. Time always permits on New Year's Eve. So, get elaborate. Get your favourite sheet/blanket, cuddle up in the couch with your favourite junk food and watch your favourite movies or the new ones that you've had on your to-watch list all year.
- Plan for 2014 – This may sound really boring but I'm a huge advocate for change and doing my part to influence positive changes in my life. Take this time to write a plan for your life in 2014. Create elaborate and detailed plans for how you will achieve these goals. Your KiK Magazine Editor will talk about how you can do this in her Editor's Letter for the Jan 2014 issue of KiK Magazine.
- Pamper Yourself – Give yourself a soak in that bubble bath you rented the apartment for and eat some chocolate covered strawberries and wine while you do. Start 2014 with a fresh mani-pedi and do your hair.
- Create a Romantic Dinner – I know this one sounds crazy but I've tried it and it's great. So, you're single, but you can still experience some love (self love) on New Year's Eve.
– Prepare or purchase your favourite meal in the day.
– Later on, set your table for 1 complete with a nice scented candle and your best dinnerware.
– Shower and put on your most comfortable (or sexified) outfit.
– Put on your favourite music or movie or dum reality TV show. There is no guy arguing about your chick flicks so enjoy whatever the heck you want.
– Sit down and revel in your favourite food, drink and love yourself.
There is nothing like showing yourself some love. It feels good.
- Make and Plan for your Resolutions – You can make general goals but this is the perfect time to sit in front of the tele with your digital diary and plan your method for achieving your goals/resolutions.
- Reach Out – Call friends and family and invite over some single people from your office. I'm sure there is someone else who would rather not spend the night alone.
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