Sep 15, 2013

Big Chop Basics Checklist


It can be a very emotional time when you decide to part with your hair. I'm here to make your life a little easier when considering what to know and do to prepare for your big chop. 

Short Natural Hairstyle


1. Select a hairstyle and check your new growth.

The days of doing an all-over low cut are still here but you should remember that you have hairstyle options. There are tons of looks that you can try depending on your length. Ensure that you have enough new hair to create the style that you desire. Also, ensure that your texture can create the style and look you desire. You may need to consult a stylist to be sure.

2. Find a reputable barber or stylist.

Yes, your cousin could do it, but the precision that a stylist can give is matchless... and their hand is less likely to slip. If you get barber-clipper cut, your ends will be blunt and not easily stay done when plaited or twisted. Keep that in mind for the future and have a scissor cut instead if you hope to twist your hair while it's short.

3. Get references.

Does your barber do women's hair? It's not the same as a man's fade... unless that is what you're going for. Just ask him. You could also ask your hairdresser for a recommendation. One of my past stylists was nice enough to refer me to a male barber that does women's hair very well. 

$. Check him or her out.

Watch the person in action. Just say, "I'm a little nervous. Do you mind if I watch how you do someone's hair." See how he or she does other people's hair. It will help you know how more about their technique.

5. Do your research and get your products.

You don't want to go home to no styling tools do you? Research online. Uncle Google and Aunty YouTube have tons of information to share on how to maintain a big chop and keep it moisturised. Google things like, "short hair routine." Also do some research and decide on the products you will use. Ask a hairdresser or stylist who specialises in natural hair for suggestions. It really is best though to find someone online with a similar hair texture to see what works for them. 

6. Special Considerations

Are you going for a regular haircut or are you considering something... cutting edge? If you want a specific hairstyle that requires shaping, it's best to go to a hairdresser but if you want to shave and cut an intricate design into your hair, it's best to use an experienced barber. Also, you may want to find a natural hair stylist that suits you best. CLICK HERE to read about how to select the perfect stylist for you

Jill Scott wearing a teeny weeny Afro.


1. Don't neglect your hair.

If you want it to look good, you have to care for it just as you would long hair. If you plan to grow out your teeny weeny afro, you want to retain your hair that you hope will become healthy ends. Right? Well, that means you have to take the best care of your short fro because your current hair represent the ends of your future. Your hair may not take as much time as before but it still requires the best care.

2. Smile with confidence. 
Smiling gives the impression that you are content and exudes confidence. Let's not forget that it is the ultimate pick-me-up. If you look insecure, people will be even more likely to question your choice and pressure you into relaxing or doing whatever they think is best. This style shows that you are willing to take risks and are confident in your choices. Show it with a smile and let your attitude show that you are content and happy with yourself. I'm so serious here. It really helps.

3. Get dolled up.

Short hair gives you absolutely nothing to hide behind. If you are concerned about looking too masculine, wear makeup. Sometimes a bold lip is all you need. Don't go overboard with the makeup though. It may make you look like you're trying too hard. Keep your overall look within your personal style. I highly suggest grooming your brows too – even if it's just clipping the stragglers away.  Wear feminine jewellery. Feminine earrings are fine. You don't have to go bold and bright to be beautiful. You just have to be you. Still feeling insecure? When all else fails, wear something you really love. You'll feel more confident. Also, try to dress as femininely as possible. 

That's all for now ladies.
Keep it Kinky.


  1. Great info... love the new layout!

  2. I to suffer from hair schizophrenia. It is a terrible disease I swear it is.

  3. Hahaha. Yes girl, you do. I'm very familiar with your fotki page. It's addictive too... but so much darn fun and it's not hurting anybody. Right? lol.

  4. I know I'm late here, I just realize this is from LAST year!! LoL, but I had to chime in on the whole looking feminine aspect. It sucks that society views short hair as masculine, but it's true. A long time ago, before locks, I kept my hair cut short very often. I was at the mall, wearing hubby's leather jacket... I walked into Fredricks of Hollywood with him, and the clerk said.. And I quote... "What can I help you gentlemen with today?" It was kinda funny, but it kinda hurt too!! I was like... Dang... *dead*!


  5. Oooh Black Angel. That had to hurt. I'm glad you stuck to what was right for you though. It shows self confidence and strength of character.


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