Mar 19, 2011

Hatian Hunny Sheds Light on Shed Pounds

Hatian Hunny has fun playing around and showing off her new, healthy figure.
 KiK: Hey Hatian Hunny (HH)! We know you are no stranger to keep it kinky since you were featured here on the blog years ago. A lot has changed though. You look... lighter. lol. Tell me. What inspired you to lose the weight?

HH:  I am indeed lighter, thanks for noticing (lol). First let me say that since I was raised by Islanders, I’ve never been affected by our societal pressures to be ‘skinny’. I was always raised to believe that thick is beautiful and to embrace my body in all its glory. Having said that, I noticed years ago that I was getting past the point of simply being considered thick, even by my own definition, so it was time for a change. I didn’t feel comfortable and I was concerned about future health risks if I allowed myself to continue on the weight path I was on.

KiK: Of course, we want to know. How did you lose the weight?

HH:  The simple answer is portion control and working out! Notice I said the simple answer, not the simple route (lol). I still find the portion control difficult and always will since I LOVE food SO much (is it bad that my mouth is watering as I think about food?!?). I typically try to stick to a protein shake with fruit added in the morning, a decent sized lunch (since this can be the larger meal of my day), and a small dinner.

Along with serious portion control, I also invested in a personal trainer. This was the most difficult part for me because I’ve never been someone that has enjoyed working out. We met three times weekly for approximately two hour workout sessions. I had to find someone that knew what they were doing, could work with someone that was completely out of shape with patience, and a person that slightly intimidated me (lol). My trainer was a very imposing looking gentleman that looked like a linebacker. Exactly what I needed!!  ;-D

KiK: What was the hardest part of losing the weight?

HH:  I am indeed lighter, thanks for noticing (lol). First let me say that since I was raised by Islanders, I’ve never been affected by our societal pressures to be ‘skinny’. I was always raised to believe that thick is beautiful and to embrace my body in all its glory. Having said that, I noticed years ago that I was getting past the point of simply being considered thick, even by my own definition, so it was time for a change. I didn’t feel comfortable and I was concerned about future health risks if I allowed myself to continue on the weight path I was on.

KiK: Of course, we want to know. How did you lose the weight?

HH:  The simple answer is portion control and working out! Notice I said the simple answer, not the simple route (lol). I still find the portion control difficult and always will since I LOVE food SO much (is it bad that my mouth is watering as I think about food?!?). I typically try to stick to a protein shake with fruit added in the morning, a decent sized lunch (since this can be the larger meal of my day), and a small dinner.

Along with serious portion control, I also invested in a personal trainer. This was the most difficult part for me because I’ve never been someone that has enjoyed working out. We met three times weekly for approximately two hour workout sessions. I had to find someone that knew what they were doing, could work with someone that was completely out of shape with patience, and a person that slightly intimidated me (lol). My trainer was a very imposing looking gentleman that looked like a linebacker. Exactly what I needed!!  ;-D

KiK: What was the hardest part of losing the weight? Have you tried to lose weight before?

HH:  All of it has been difficult for me to be perfectly honest. I love food, so portion control continues to be a challenge that I’m winning thankfully. Working out was a huge adjustment for me, especially since I was out of shape.

I have attempted to lose weight in the past. I’ve successfully lost weight in the past using diets, but was unable to keep it off. I finally decided to make and stick to a lifestyle change and that has worked for me thus far!

KiK: Do you feel since losing the weight?

HH:  I feel like I can conquer the world!! I feel so much lighter, healthier, and confident. I definitely feel the difference in my everyday life. I don’t feel as fatigued and physically weighed down. I have yet to reach my complete weight loss goal, but I’m very close and I’m thrilled with where I am today!

KiK: If you work out, what was your workout regimen and how did you maintain your hair?

HH:  I don’t workout as frequently as I used to since I no longer have a personal trainer. When I was working out three times weekly, I found it was best to pull my locks back in a ponytail during my workout and that helped prevent my roots from unraveling completely. I regularly re-twist just the front row of my locks and pull them back with a headband and that was sufficient the morning after a workout to go to work.

KiK: What advice do you have for others who want to lose weight?

HH:  I would definitely suggest investing in a personal trainer. They will help you stay on task and it helps to have someone else that you feel accountable to. I had weekly weigh-ins with my trainer, so he kept me on task with my weight loss goals.

Regarding food intake, I would suggest that you choose a meal plan that you can stick to long term. No fad diets! Incorporate vitamin &mineral supplements, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. I LOVE red meat, but I’ve cut back on my intake and now choose lean cuts of beef instead. I also incorporated more fish into my weekly diet and that has helped tremendously as well! All of these things will not only help you reach your weight loss goals, but also keep you on task for healthy & vibrant natural hair!! BONUS  ;-D

HH:  All of it has been difficult for me to be perfectly honest. I love food, so portion control continues to be a challenge that I’m winning thankfully. Working out was a huge adjustment for me, especially since I was out of shape.

I have attempted to lose weight in the past. I’ve successfully lost weight in the past using diets, but was unable to keep it off. I finally decided to make and stick to a lifestyle change and that has worked for me thus far!

KiK: Do you feel better since you've lost the weight? How so?

HH:  I feel like I can conquer the world!! I feel so much lighter, healthier, and confident. I definitely feel the difference in my everyday life. I don’t feel as fatigued and physically weighed down. I have yet to reach my complete weight loss goal, but I’m very close and I’m thrilled with where I am today!

KiK: If you work out, what was your workout regimen and how did you maintain your hair?

HH:  I don’t workout as frequently as I used to since I no longer have a personal trainer. When I was working out three times weekly, I found it was best to pull my locks back in a ponytail during my workout and that helped prevent my roots from unraveling completely. I regularly re-twist just the front row of my locks and pull them back with a headband and that was sufficient the morning after a workout to go to work.

KiK: What advice do you have for others who want to lose weight?

HH:  I would definitely suggest investing in a personal trainer. They will help you stay on task and it helps to have someone else that you feel accountable to. I had weekly weigh-ins with my trainer, so he kept me on task with my weight loss goals.

Regarding food intake, I would suggest that you choose a meal plan that you can stick to long term. No fad diets! Incorporate vitamin & mineral supplements, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. I LOVE red meat, but I’ve cut back on my intake and now choose lean cuts of beef instead. I also incorporated more fish into my weekly diet and that has helped tremendously as well! All of these things will not only help you reach your weight loss goals, but also keep you on task for healthy & vibrant natural hair!! BONUS  ;-D


  1. Hi Mik! I don't know why I'm just seeing your comment. I'm glad you like the blog and hope you continue to enjoy it. I'm about to embark on my own journey and will start updating today so I look forward to your comments.

  2. Hi! Appreciated this post. How do we keep in contact with HHunny? I also read her interview on her loc journey and it really inspired me.

  3. Hey Naturaleza. I'll discuss it with her and get back to you.

  4. Thanks, Deidre. Was not sure if she blogged as well.

  5. Hey Naturaleza,

    You can see more of her journey on Youtube at You can send her personal messages there.



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