Mar 20, 2011

Internet Addiction is Real

It's 1:52 am on a Sunday morning. I'm sleepy and bored but still can't pry myself away from the internet. There is too much interesting information out there! Do you think I have a problem?

Not like I want you to stop visiting my blog or anything, but I just felt like doing my own little public service announcement.

Surf the net but not let the waves of information engulf you.  
 – Diedre Callam



  1. :o)
    It's 5:16 here in're not alone. *Smile*

  2. Hahahaha. Thanks Naturaleza. I'm not sure that's a good thing though. Haha. The web is great but we have to try to keep ourselves in check.

    Thanks for writing girl!

  3. I'm not really proud to say it, but I can definitely relate. However, don't be too hard on yourself at least you recognized before it got worse.


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