Apr 20, 2011

Day 4/60: Weight Loss Journey

I've been latin dancing (salsa and merengue only) for about 10 years and I absolutely love it. You could easily imagine then, that I've had my eye on Zumba Fitness for a while. A friend lent me her beginners CD and I'm hooked! So, I've found my exercise routine and it's something I know I'll be able to stick to for a while. I hope they'll be coming out with a new system every year or something 'cause I plan to do this workout every day and I don't want to get bored.

With that said, the diet has been shaky at best. I have decided however to totally eliminate soda from my diet. I am also significantly increasing my coconut water intake. (Benefits of coconut water post coming soon.) I had plans to do a coconut water fast (where I'd drink only coconut water for 5-7 days but after only a few hours, I started to get a headache. Coconut water, however, gives you all of the main nutrients your body needs to survive and I really want to kick-start my cleanse and weight loss. The Master Cleanse (Beyonce Diet) with lemonade is not in my plan because citrus triggers my migraines. I have also considered the raw food diet but it seems so expensive! I'll be talking more about the raw food diet in the future. For this week, the aim is to increase my fruits and vegetables intake and eliminate soda from my diet. I won't even plan to have it once a month. Let's see how I do at my one week weigh-in when I give you the next update.


  1. You might want to take a look at The 17 Day Diet. The diet has 4 cycles, each of them lasting 17 days. The first 17 days is the most restrictive, but definitely doable and HEALTHY. The subsequent cycles slowly add carbs and sugar back into the diet.

    Hope This Helps.

  2. I'm thinking about trying the 2-day fast that Beachbody makes. So far everything I have read on it looks positive. Just another idea :)

  3. Thanks Deni and Anonymous. I'll be looking into both of those diets. I hope to transition to a permanent change in diet and lifestyle though so I'm not sure how many crash diets I'll try depending on how what I'm doing now works for me. I also want something that will cleanse my system. Anyway. I will check those diets out later.

  4. Hi Diedre! Good luck on your weight loss journey. I quit drinking soda a year ago - and it's easier to just stop completely, rather than reduce.

    To me complex carbs are modern day big evils - we should eat what our bodies adapted to in the savannah over 1000s of years, rather than the processed complex carbs developed over the last 100 years that our bodies can't process and make us obese (No obese wild animals).

    Basically your carbs should come from fruits and veggies only, the simplest such "diet" is No Whites - don't eat (or reduce) any white food eg bread pasta rice etc. Other diets like South Beach, Atkins, Low Glycemic, HCG work on similar principles but more rules and more stuff to buy.

  5. Thanks Maria. I'm still working on it. And yes, I had to ELIMINATE soda. It's not worth it. I am also going to eliminate fried foods for a while too. I wish I had the discipline, time and deep pockets required to go raw in Jamaica. That, I think is the ideal. I'm considering a high raw diet though. Can't be that hard... I think.


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