May 20, 2011

What type of locs should I get?

Fabulous! You've finally decided to lock your hair. Sorry to do this to you, but there might be another element to consider before starting your locks. That element is personality. It should have a lot to do with the type of locks you get. Why?
Maintenance is a very important aspect of the locking process. It's OK to install the locks but what will happen after you have them? Let me help you out. Look below and identify your personality.

Low Maintenance and Carefree
You absolutely hate sitting down to do your hair. You don't care about frizz and neither does your  boss. That is one of the reasons you decided to become a (insert carefree or creative job here). You are on the move and you don't want  your hair to hold you back.

Medium-sized locks maintained through the interlocking or finger-latching method may be for you. You can run, jump and swim everyday without your locks coming undone. You could also consider free-forming locks. It all depends on your taste.

Medium Maintenance and Easygoing
You can probably handle medium to small sized locs but micro locs or sisterlocs are not for you. You want to be able to keep it moving and 2 hrs is all the time you want to spend at the salon... and that includes the shampoo too. You may even maintain your locs yourself so you don't want your locs to be too small.

You can go with either the palm-rolling or interlocking method. Palm-rolling usually gives a neater appearance at the root but interlocking keeps maintenance to a minimum if you are active and on the go. (Palm-rolled or twisted roots tend to come undone when they get wet.)

High Maintenance and A-Type
Yup. I understand your need to have your hair perfect at all times. You don't want to go too small since twisting your roots to maintain that neat look may be what you're going for. You can still do larger locks with the twisting maintenance method. If you have have lots of time on your hand, you may just go for Sisterlocks. They almost always look neat when maintained regularly and give you a lot of versatility and control over the way your hair appears.

Tell me, what is your personality and what kind of locks would be good for you?



  1. Hmmm, I've done option C and realized it wasn't for me. This time I chose option B.

  2. I like option B. I HATE the hair dryer and become very antsy after about 90 minutes in a salon however I do try to maintain my locs at home when needed. I'm not sure I can ever do option C because I don't want my hair to be too 'perfect' ( I like when it moves and looks like hair) and option A would not allow me to keep my corporate job.

  3. @ Mane Event
    Hey girl. I notice a lot of people with locs have tried it once or twice before. (I have too). I wonder why that is. You seem to be doing well on your journey though. I'll be checking your blog regularly.

    @ Beauty from Ashes
    Yup. I think we think alike. lol. I hated being a slave to my hair every weekend. I just want to get in and get out. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I like option B because it's perfect for me,i don't want them too big or too small and i want to be maintaining my locs by myself.


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